Elisabetta Donzelli

University of Milano – Bicocca
Via Cadore, 48
20900 – Monza (MB)
- Webex personal room
- elisabetta1977
Born 1977, she graduated in Medical Biotechnology in 2002 at the University of Milano and she got the PhD in Neuroscience in 2006 at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
She works as laboratory technician at the School of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milano-Bicocca since September 2006.
She is involved in different research projects related to the characterization of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and their biology, differentiation, regenerative and neuro-protective properties. She collaborates with different groups for in vivo projects using the Fluorescence Tomography System – FMT1500 – and the Lumina III System to perform in vivo studies using specific fluorescent agents or bioluminescent cells.
She authored 25 papers with a H-index of 16 . Find out more on SCOPUS